Letter to a Christian Shopper
(Apologies to Sam Harris.)
All of the canned Christmas music at the mall got me thinking, and I realized that there's a bit of your mythos that I don't understand (aside from all the other things like woman-hating, injustice, and ritual cannibalism). So, here's the scenario as I understand it:
An invisible wizard in the sky creates the world and aardvarks and people and jam. He is

Fast forward to the dawn of the common era.
Sky Wizard finally decides he'd like to correct his monumental blunder. And while he's

Now I know one of your common arguments is somehow that "humanity needed to see it done like that." Yeah, that worked out really well: over a millennium of rampant anti-semitism, oppression and, well, those crusades were just super-nifty. And don't try playing the "free will" card. If Sky Wizard is omniscient, he'd have seen it seen it coming. (Except that then he's have missed out on Mel). So after needlessly torturing and killing his son, Sky Wizard resets the rules: now you can be as bad as you want as long as you like Jesus and feel sorry about whatever it was you did sometime before you die, and if you're good, but don't like Jesus, you get to be tortured eternally anyway. Sky Wizard sees this as an improvement.
And you celebrate the beginning of this torture cycle with obnoxious music and lying to children.
No, I won't wish you a merry Christmas.
1 comment:
Story loses something in the translation doesn't it? Congrats on being the 500th blog added to the Atheist Blogroll.
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